It's the end, folks!
The goal of this project was to blog everything I ate and the cost of food and drinks for a full year. The year is now over, so it's time to put down my camera. I wanted to take some time before writing a conclusion to this adventure. I was not easy, but I did have lots of fun.
- I took 3366 pictures
- I spent 10 295.92 $ on food and drinks
- I forgot my camera at home about seven times, sometimes asking friends to take pictures for me.
- I got asked "why do you do this?" at least twice a year.
- I learned how to take pictures without annoying others. It's all about stealth.
- I almost quit about five times. But I never gave up.
- I realised that I drink way, way too much Diet Coke.
- I figured out that I don't go out as much as I tought I did, but that I spend more money that I tought I did when I do.
- I found out that 60% of the broccoli I purchase ends up in the garbage bin.
- I saw that I like peanut butter on toast a lot.
So what next? I don't know yet. But I still take pictures of food and post them on my Flickr account. And I love to eat and explore. So follow me on Twitter and find out about my next project when it goes live. I promise it will be delicious.