Groceries from Marché Maisonneuve - $47.27
(Click on the picture to see details of items.)

The heat is on at the market and it's high season for canning and freezing. People are buying tomatoes by the bushell! I've vowed to get a stand-alone freezer ASAP but meanwhile, I'm gonna cram veggies in my fridge's freezer as much as I can.

Raw beet and feta salad - from groceries

The beets are sliced thin and the feta is crumbled and topped with scallions. The dressing is made with olive oil, rice vinegar, garlic, salt, pepper and hot pepper paste.
Dessert, same lemon sablé as yesterday

Diet Coke in the afternoon - from groceries

Broad bean soup made from scratch and cheesy toasts - from groceries

I made the soup this afternoon and I have a boatload. Guess I'm set for lunches this week.
More dessert - That's it, I'm taking the rest to work tomorrow.

Late night snack of toast and milk: from groceries

Money spent on food today: $47.27