Breakfast of champion - $1.25

Katherine Rollet, our epicurean life blogger on the Tourisme Montreal Web site, gave me a taste of some delicious cheese.

It was super fresh, salty and delicate. I would serve it with a peaches, basil and red onion salad, with a garlic-lemon vinaigrette and some crusty bread. Yummy.
Bento lunch from home. Click on pic for details!

Diet Coke from the vending machines - $1.25

Check out this old school vending machine. Sometimes I think I'm gonna go back in time as I slide a loony in.
Fritos from the vending machine - $1.25

The hot accessory for Fall!
Dinner will be spaghetti and a salad again. I will not have time to update, so you're "going to have to trust me", Jack Bauer-style.
Money spent on food today: $3.75