Cheese toast and milk at home

Banana from the bistro - free

Cream of celery soup, manicotti, salad and berry mousse - $6

Handful of Jessica's Japanese caramel corn - free

Piece of Jessica's Samba bar - free

Half of a donut Monique brought after a meeting - free

Diet Coke - $1.25

As you can see, my new desk is green. I may open a tabletop FX studio. Stay tuned.
Pistachios from the bistro - free

Then I went to Winners, bought a cute top and pants, and had "dinner" at the food court
Mickey D meal - $11.02

I need to remember how bad I felt after eating this. Bad news, all around. Like a badger made its nest in my belly.
New grater - $9.99

I am not adding this to my total, but it's still awesome. The old one was on the brink of rustiness.
Money spent on food today: $18.27