Welsh Rabbit a.k.a. Welsh Rarebite, bacon, tomatoes Vitamin Water - $2.50 from a subway dep Hummus and crackers, Perrier Fish sticks, leftover veggies
Notice the "is it hot enough?" finger mark right in the middle of the mashed potatoes.
Blueberry cobbler Money spent on food today: $2.50
Eggs, waffles, bacon, maple syrup, OJ
I made hummus and a blueberry cobbler in the afternoon, with staple goods I had in the USE NOW, PLEASE pile since I cleaned the pantry: chick peas and blueberry pie filling.
I had some hummus with crackers and celery in the afternoon.
Dinner was a steak, glazed carrots and some mashed potatoes, followed by a piece of the delicious cobbler. Money spent on food today: 0
From August 24th, 2009 to August 24th 2010, I photographed everything I ate and made notes of the cost.
This included all the food and drink costs for the year.
And yes, I counted booze.
Grand total: $10 295.92
What is this blog about?
This is not a food blog.
Well, it kind of is. But mainly, it’s about the amount of money I use to feed myself, day after day. Why? Because I just don’t know. I (almost) never check prices when I buy food. I love to cook and I can easily feed six guests for less than 30 bucks (wine is extra, people), but I also spend ungodly amounts of money on grocery, then throw away a fifth of it. It has never been so easy to buy good food, but it often comes at a price. And it is even easier to buy cheap, unhealthy junk food that has an undeniable cost on our health. Where does my food budget go? How do the choices I make impact my budget, my health and the health of the planet?