Gatorade, bread, jam, cashews

By the way, if you want to keep some bread fresh overnight, just cover it with the shower cap from the vanity pack.
At the National Museum of American History, we got to see Julia Child's kitchen! It's cozy and really well equipped. We had to get our picture taken like cooking nerds.

After this tour, we were famished and stopped at the cafeteria for an all-american meal.
Pulled pork sandwich, potato salad, veggie salad, soda, cupcake - $25

Water - $3

Drinks are a real racket around the museums and other attractions in Washington. There's no store anywhere, and most museums won't let you enter with bottles, so you're stuck buying expensive drinks from the licensed vendors and chugging them.
Fortunatly, the drinks at the hotel were free.

Free wine from 5 to 6: one of the many reasons why I love Kimpton Hotels.
For dinner, we went to Art & Soul and had some soul food.
Dirty Martini


Oyster hoecakes

Fried chicken with gravy, buttermilk mashed potatoes, collard greens

Éric had the lamb hoecake and scallops. He also helped me finish all that delicious fried chicken.

Dinner at Art & Soul was $52 each, plus tip.
Money spent on food today: $80