Pear from the bistro - free

BTW this was not taken in a Sears Photo studio. It's just how fruit looks on my lap.
I won some cannelés from the daily contest run by Boutique Point G on Twitter. They were delicious. You should follow them and try your luck!

Cannelé - free

Leftovers from last night, V8, Diet Coke ($1.25)

Muffin from the bistro - free
Diet Coke ($1.25) - no pic
In the evening, I was invited to a dinner for the people and volunteers who worked on a project that is dear to my heart. It was in a wonderful house in Westmount. I wish I could share more than pics of the food, but I wanted to respect the privacy of our generous host. Believe me, that house was fantastic. So was the company.
Cheese straws, wine and various canapés

Bread, butter, salad

Blanquette de veau, rice, veggies


Money spent on food today: $2.50