Cream cheese toasts with grapefruit juice at home

Tea from the bistro - free

Candy from the Special Needs kid

A client sent a big basket of goodies and Lindsay pilfered these delicious items.
BLT, fennel salad, Diet Coke, grapes and apple sauce from home

Diet Coke from the vending machine - $1.25

Oatmeal muffin from the bistro - free

Pre-pool piece of cheese from home

Home made veggie and beef pasta with Gruyère and lemon sauce

Also: I had a whole 750 ml bottle on Perrier because I was parched from the aquagym class and OMGTHENEWTEACHERISCRAZYANDILOVEHER.
Sorry. I'm excited.
We also had candy apple treats at the bistro today, but I didn't have one because
a) they are more of a decorative object than a food item
b) I like having teeth
Still: pretty.

Money spent on food today: $1.25