Same breakfast as yesterday, at home

Yay for routine!
Jasmine tea from the bistro - free

Diet Coke from the vending machine - $1.25
What do you want from me? There was no more Earl Grey in the tea drawer. I HAD to get some caffeine in me.
Leftover pasta and grapes for lunch

Fred's dessert from the bistro - free

Fred rarely eats his dessert. Fred gave it to me. Fred is very happy that he made the blog today. Yay Fred!
"Ants on a log" snack from the bistro - free

A good, healthy snack. I once had a very nice twist on this dish at Chicago's Moto . Instead of celery, they used a carved piece of Japanese pear. It was filled with foie gras and covered with rum-soaked raisins.

Sausage bun and coconut bun from Harmony in Chinatown - $4

I took the long way back home and crossed Chinatown, so I could not resist stopping at the Asian bakery for some delicious buns. I also had a bit of leftover fennel salad, but forgot to take a picture.
Money spent on food today: $5.25