Cheese toast, orange juice

In the morning, Yoplait sent me a gift: A bag full of Asana products. Oh, the joys of being a food blogger!

It's a new product that is supposed to be good against bone troubles, like osteoporosis. I don't know about that part, but it tastes great. It's creamy and tastes like real yogourt and doesn't have aspartame in it (a little real sugar won't hurt you). I had one right away and one for lunch. I also gave a few to coworkers. They all liked it!
Asana yogourt

Spaghetti with meat balls, Asana yogourt

Pets de soeurs i.e. "Nun's fart" from the bistro - free

Fried rice with peas and steak

Asana yogourt

By the end of the day, my Yoplait bag was almost empty. I still have a full jar of plain yogourt, that may or may not be turned into turnip soup (the recipe was included).

And that thermal bag is pretty neat. I love that they didn't put a logo on it, otherwise I would not reuse it. Plain is best!
It's funny when I think about it. My blog is the perfect platform for this type of promo, since I blog everything I eat. I would really have to dislike a product not to try it. And if I try it, I HAVE to put it on my blog. Ha!
Money spent on food today: $6