Waffles and milk Nectarine (I did not eat that apple... yet!) Roast beef croissant, yellow beans, V8, molasses galette - $1.25 (for the croissant) Crudités from the bistro - free
Blueberry juice Eggs, toast, tomatoes, jam, clementine Coke
A real Coke! Woah. And check out my brother's "frozen Olympic face".
Ham, cheese and tomato sandwich, avocado with olives, beer Cake Beer and chips
That chips bowl almost flew across the room when Team Canada FINALLY won the Gold medal in hockey.
Blueberry juice Croissant, bagel, egg, jam, pâté, clementine Vegetable soup with cheese, beer, crackers, bread, pâté Datte square Bubbly
Chips and salsa Bloody Caesar Avodaco salad Wine Pork roast, mashed potato, mushrooms, asparagus, carrot Cake with chestnut icing
Everything was made from scratch by my aunt and uncle. And everything was delicious. Simple food makes me so happy, especially when it's shared with family in a cottage the middle of a snowy forrest.
PB toast, cheese, yogourt, fruit, OJ from the bistro breakfast bar - free Diet Coke $1.25 Pizza, pasta salad, smoothie from the bistro - $6
I bought some chips and soda at the dep before heading to the cabin in Val-Morin with the family - $6.25
Beer Beer and chips Glass of wine Salad Olives and bread Wine Ravioli and meat sauce Wine
I did not eat the content of this salt shaker. I just think it's pretty. Datte square Molasses galettes Grapes Sparkling water Money spent on food today: $13.50
From August 24th, 2009 to August 24th 2010, I photographed everything I ate and made notes of the cost.
This included all the food and drink costs for the year.
And yes, I counted booze.
Grand total: $10 295.92
What is this blog about?
This is not a food blog.
Well, it kind of is. But mainly, it’s about the amount of money I use to feed myself, day after day. Why? Because I just don’t know. I (almost) never check prices when I buy food. I love to cook and I can easily feed six guests for less than 30 bucks (wine is extra, people), but I also spend ungodly amounts of money on grocery, then throw away a fifth of it. It has never been so easy to buy good food, but it often comes at a price. And it is even easier to buy cheap, unhealthy junk food that has an undeniable cost on our health. Where does my food budget go? How do the choices I make impact my budget, my health and the health of the planet?