Waffles with honey

Peanut butter tartine

Miniature Joe Louis cake

Check out those cutie. I bought them for bento lunches, but could not resist eating one right away.
The grocery was delivered around 10am - $173

Egg sandwich, tomatoes, pickles and Diet Coke

And yes, I have a hamster on my glass and it is awesome.
Pita with tofu spread and Diet Coke

Piece of cheese grabbed while cooking

Richard showed up with some yummy wine, a good cheese and some baguette. I made otsu and a salad.

They loved the otsu! In fact, they raves about it. It was as good as the last time. I could not get a picture of them where they were not stuffing their faces!

The cheese was delicious, a perfect ending.

Perrier citron was gulped by all before mom and Richard grabbed their coats and zoomed to the opera.

Now I want to bake a pie to surprise them when they come back!
Money spent on food today: $173