Thursday, February 18, 2010

Food log: Thursday, February 18

Waffles and milk AGAIN
Waffles and milk
Hello, one-track mind

Diet Coke - $1.25
Diet Coke - $1.25
This is what a bistro ticket looks like. They all have different quotes on them, all related to food of course.
This is what a Bistro ticket looks like. The quotes vary from ticket to ticket.
Cassoulet (sausage, pork, duck), salad, berries and yogurt 
Cassoulet, salade, lemonade, berries and yogurt
The portion was so big, I saved some for later (wishful thinking, I hope I get to eat it before the fridge clean-up)
Leftover cassoulet
Cheese, crackers, grapes from the bistro - free
Cheese, crackers and grapes from the bistro - free
I didn't have dinner yet and it's almost 9pm. It ain't happening. I mean did you see the size of that lunch and cheese snack? Mamma, she ain't hungry no mo'.

Money spent on food today: $1.25

food log: Wednesday, February 17

Waffles and milk
waffles and milk
Half a banana (shared with Véro)
Dried cranberries
Dried cranberries
Diet Coke - $1.25
soda $1.25
Wasabi peas
Wasabi peas
As you can see, I was mega-hungry. Good thing lunch delivered with a bang.

Cheese macaroni, surimi salad, tomato-mozza salad, bread, tiramisu from the bistro  $6
macaroni, tomato and mozza salad, bread, surimi salad, tiramisu - $6
This lunch should be forever known as "The lumberjack special"
Diet Coke - $1.25
Diet Coke - $1.25

Broccoli turnovers and corn (forgot to take a pic)
Lu cookie
Lu cookie
I also picked up some groceries - $45.32

Money spent on food: $53.82