Pasta, pear salad, lemonade from the bistro - $6 Chocolate bar, soda - $2.50 Louche brownie - free Fried chicken dinner - $12 including tip and drink
I blame the louche brownie.
Grilled cheese, chocolate milk - $5.45 Diet Coke - $1.25 Soup, salad, bread, chocolate mousse, lemonade from the bistro - $6 Cereal treat from the bistro - free Dirty martini at YulBiz - Jello bar - $10 with tip Crackers at Jello Bar - free Another martini at Jello Bar - $10 with tip Corn puffs at Jello bar - free Beer at Jello bar - $6 Bacon cheeseburger, poutine (shared) and sugar pie à la mode (shared) at La Paryse - $18 Smelly burger hands - free
From August 24th, 2009 to August 24th 2010, I photographed everything I ate and made notes of the cost.
This included all the food and drink costs for the year.
And yes, I counted booze.
Grand total: $10 295.92
What is this blog about?
This is not a food blog.
Well, it kind of is. But mainly, it’s about the amount of money I use to feed myself, day after day. Why? Because I just don’t know. I (almost) never check prices when I buy food. I love to cook and I can easily feed six guests for less than 30 bucks (wine is extra, people), but I also spend ungodly amounts of money on grocery, then throw away a fifth of it. It has never been so easy to buy good food, but it often comes at a price. And it is even easier to buy cheap, unhealthy junk food that has an undeniable cost on our health. Where does my food budget go? How do the choices I make impact my budget, my health and the health of the planet?