Sunday, January 3, 2010

Make it yourself: vinaigrette and salad dressing

Look this is not rocket science. Salad dressing is one of the easiest things you can make. You just need to remember one rule: 3 parts of oil for each part of vinegar or lemon juice. The rest is up to your imagination. So why are so many people choosing to eat disgusting ready-made crap? I got a free bottle of disgusting fat-free, gummy dressing with my last grocery order. It's going in the trash.
disgusting... got it for free, threw it away

I make my dressing in an empty sake bottle with a tight cap. I just pour my oil and balsamic vinegar in, add some garlic powder, salt, pepper, mustard and give it a shake. Seriously it take 2 minutes.
Homemade vinaigrette in old sake bottle

Why would you pay for a lesser quality product to "save time"? In my opinion, it's not worth it. "But I just made my New Year's resolution to lose weight, I need the fat-free dressing" some people will say. Then just make a creamy one with fat-free sour cream, fresh herbs, a bit of tomato paste, lemon juice... It's so much better, trust me. Just trust your cooking instinct and make your salad happy!

Food log: Saturday, January 2

Cheese sandwich, orange juice
cheese sandwich, OJ
Honey toast, Diet Coke
Honey toast, Diet COke

In the afternoon, I cooked a little, including frittatas that I froze for easy weekday breakfasts.
They are so easy to make it's ridiculous.
Beat a dozen eggs with thyme (or any herbs you like), salt and pepper
Eggs, thyme, pepper, salt
Pour in a muffin pan sprayed with Pam and add some ground ham (about a teaspoon per frittata)
adding ham
Add some cheese (about a tablespoon per frittata)
Adding cheese
Pop in the oven for 12 minutes at 350 until the frittatas are puffy. They will deflate a bit after a few minutes. 
Puffy frittatas!
I wrap each in cling film then put them in a freezer bag before putting in the freezer. Voilà!
Ready for the freezer
Chicken, potatoes, yellow beans, Diet Coke
piece of chicken
chicken, potatoes, beans, Diet Coke

My brother met me for a beer and then we hit Martine's party 3 doors down.
Buffet at Martine's
Buffet at Martine's party
Many shots of Jamieson, shooters with names like "the fluffy smurf" and Gin & Tonics. 
Shooter at Martine's
drinks at Martine's

Money spent on food today: 0

Food log: Friday, January 1

On the morning after the party, I woke up without a hangover on January first for the first time in years. Felt great. I spent the day working on some freelance while watching a Criminal Minds marathon.

Waffles, bacon, OJ
Waffles with bacon and maple syrup, oj
Diet Coke
Diet coke
Chicken sandwich, pickles, tomato sandwich
Chicken sandwich, pickles, tomato sandwich
Artichoke and vinaigrette
Popcorn, Diet Coke
Peanut butter toasts
PB toasts

Money spent on food: 0