Breakfast was toasts with bananas and peanut butter.

Second breakfast was Perrier and toast again. Either I am a hobbit or this bread is really really gooooood.

I had to go downtown under the cold drizzling rain to meet someone. It so happened that it was near the Jang Teu Oriental market on St-Catherine (A.K.A. Épicerie Japonaise et Coréenne), so I stopped to stock up on sushi rice, canned spiced tuna, soba noodles, Pocari Sweat and tofu. Cost: $ 21.46 And on the way home, I stopped at IGA for some coriander and ginger ($2.23) to make Otsu again.
I had a bottle of Pocari Sweat with Doritos for a little snacky snack. ($1.45 - no pic for the chips)

After you get over the unfortunate name, Pocari Sweat is pretty awesome. I tasted it for the first time while I was in Japan. It has a sweet grapefruit taste and is very refreshing. It's a great "morning after a night filled with tons of food and lots of wine and martinis" drink.
I also found a very nifty bento lunch box at the market. It has a bottle for drinks, 2 containers and chopsticks, all packed into a thermal bag. They are made by Lock & Lock, so you know the food will stay fresh. Cost: $19.99.

Snack at home: two pieces of Kiri cheese

Dinner was garlic and tomato prawns with onions, bell peppers and rice noodles

I had waffles for dessert.

I have officialy gone carb-crazy. I need to watch it, the cold weather is turning me into a bear.
Money spent on food today: $25.14