Banana from the bistro - free

Tea from the bistro - free

Pistachios from the bistro - free

Chicken and vegetable curry, rice, yogourt

Grapes and watermelon from the bistro - free

Tea and Halloween candy - free

Pop chips and tomato juice

Miso-maple salmon, rice noodles, broccoli at home with Adreanne , after our pool workout

I marinated the salmon in a mixture of white miso, soy sauce, lime juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. It marinated all day. Then I just put in in a Pyrex dish and baked it for 25 minutes at 400 (it was thick and I like my salmon well done). I made a little more fresh marinade to use as a sauce. The salmon becomes very savory and the thinner ends are all sweet and caramely. Light, easy, tasty. Awesome.
Money spent on food today: 0