Grocery from IGA Online - $106 including delivery and tip

Breakfast was eggs and waffles with half a glass of milk.

Since I had to wait for the delivery anyway, I didn't mind staying in and cleaning the loft. I spent the day organizing my walk-in closets (I got my freezer!) and scanned some recipes and images I had pulled from magazines.
Here is the freezer, covered in my favorite Russian propaganda posters.

It can hold a lot of stuff, has a nifty drawer and a "soft freeze zone" I'm not too clear on.

Then it was time for lunch.
Fish sticks with Kewpie on top, red bell peppers and gherkins

Snack time was cheese and veggie cocktail

Then a glass of grapefruit juice

And dinner: pulled pork and a salad

I'm still peckish. The cookie jar is winking at me and I might just wink back.
Money spent on food today: $106
Edited to add: I just did a bit of research, and the Soft Freeze Zone of my new Frigidaire is meant to keep ice cream in. It's 9 to 11 degrees warmer than the rest of the freezer, so the frozen treats are not rock-solid and full of ice crystals.