Diet Coke - $1.25 (no pic)
Fish, rice, veggies, salad, chocolate cake from the bistro - $6

Doritos from the vending machine, limonata from Pasta Café - $3.25

Véro took me to Le Grillon bar-salon for my b-day. Thanks Véro!
The chef was off, but the manager knows his way around a kitchen and we had a great meal. This place is very cool, so relaxed and welcoming. Plus, it's right next to Papineau metro station on the green line, so it makes for an easy destination to go have a drink with friends after work, no mattter where your work actualy is in the city. And I loooooove that they kept the old-school sign.

I wish we had a bar like that near my house in Hochelaga! There are a few cool spaces available near Ontario and Viau. And with all the new condos getting built and more than 300 people living at the Biscuiterie (my building), the customer base is there. Hint hint, bar owners!

Cornish hen



Money spent on food today: $9.25