Cream cheese toast and orange splash water

I had the best apple ever - free from the bistro

It deserved to wear Lindsay's tiara for a minute.
My friend JF, who just spent 3 weeks in Japan and who is awesome, brought me back two green tea Kit Kat bars.

The coffee machine exploded on me and a few other innocent tea drinkers who were just waiting around to fill their cups with hot water. Imagine the look of this cup times 256 and you'll get the effect it had on my shirt. And shoes. And face.

Then it was time for lunch.
Yesterday's BBQ and rice leftovers, tomatoes, yogourt and Kit Kat, Diet Coke ($1.25)

Bite from Jessica's Bubblegum Kit Kat

Yeah, JF brought candy for a bunch of us. Told you he's awesome.
The bistro had rosemary biscuits for snack time.

I opted for chips and a soda ($2.50)

Dinner was easy as 1-2-3.
My mom's lentils and some cheesy bread

Delicious and comforting, like anything your mother cooks just for you.
Piece of Amazing Apple Pie

I'm telling you, I should enter this pie in a contest. It is ribbon-worthy.
Money spent on food today: $ 3.75