Friday, August 28, 2009

Food log: Thursday, August 27th

Cereal and milk, from groceries
Cereal from groceries

Diet Pepsi from vending machine - $1.25
Diet Pepsi from the vending machine - $1.25
The machine was out of Diet Coke.

For lunch, I had the same thing as yesterday, minus the tomato: tuna casserole and yogurt.

Free apple pie from bistro leftovers
Apple pie from the bistro leftovers - free

Perrier at the studio - free
perrier drink water eat boisson

Lots of chips - free at the Sid Lee summer party
Lots of chips - free at the summer party

Lots of beers - free at the Sid Lee summer party
Many, many beers - free at the summer party

Burger and chips - free at the summer party
Burger and chips - free at work summer party

Big-ass poutine and soda from Ramona's - $15, including a large tip
Poutine and a soda - from Ramona's $15 including a large tip

Money spent on food today: $16.25

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