Honey toast, Diet Coke

In the afternoon, I cooked a little, including frittatas that I froze for easy weekday breakfasts.
They are so easy to make it's ridiculous.
Beat a dozen eggs with thyme (or any herbs you like), salt and pepper

Pour in a muffin pan sprayed with Pam and add some ground ham (about a teaspoon per frittata)

Add some cheese (about a tablespoon per frittata)

Pop in the oven for 12 minutes at 350 until the frittatas are puffy. They will deflate a bit after a few minutes.

I wrap each in cling film then put them in a freezer bag before putting in the freezer. Voilà!

Chicken, potatoes, yellow beans, Diet Coke

My brother met me for a beer and then we hit Martine's party 3 doors down.

Buffet at Martine's

Many shots of Jamieson, shooters with names like "the fluffy smurf" and Gin & Tonics.

Money spent on food today: 0
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