Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Food log: Tuesday, August 10

Diet Soda ($1.25), yogourt, cereal bar they were giving away in the subway
Soda ($1.25), yogourt, cereal bar they were giving away for free on the subway
Veal scallopini with eggplant, cheese and tomato, potato salad, hummus, 
pita, almond pastry, lemonade from the bistro - $6
veal scallop with bocconchini and veggies, potato salad, almond pastry, lemonade from the bistro - $6
pita bread and hummus -- with bistro lunch
Gilberto's beautiful almond pastry
New pastry chef Gilberto is making it very hard to prevent further weight gain. Blast!

Banana and tea from the bistro - free
banana and tea from the bistro - free
Doritos - $1.25
Chips - $1.25
Bread, chips and Perrier from the dep - $5.45
Chips, bread, Perrier from the dep - $5.45
Beer and chips
Tuna sandwich, chips
Chips and tuna sandwich

Money spent on food today: $12.70

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