Juice and pear from the bistro (free)
Cheese bagel from Pasta Café ($2.60)

A piece of brioche bread from Jessica's loot

Jessica's belle-maman from Provence keeps sending awesome care packages and she is kind enough to share the goodies with us.
Diet Coke from the vending machine ($1.25)

"Easter in September" lunch from the bistro - $6

On Wednesdays at Sid Lee, we have a new tradition. Employees are encouraged to share recipes they love and our chefs prepare them for us all. Today was a traditionnal Easter meal from the grand-mother of a pair of cousins who work with us. They served ham, boiled potatoes, a yummy sauce, green beans, a salad and some sort of monster pink dessert that was way too sweet, yet totally awesome. Just look at it!
Melon and tea from the bistro - free

Yay for healthy snacks!
After work, I headed downtown for dinner and opera time with a friend. My brother was singing his first solo!
Diet Coke at Bâton Rouge

Potato and ribs at Bâton Rouge

Mint tea at Bâton Rouge

Dinner at Bâton Rouge was $36.76
Digestive aids were needed at intermission.

Money spent on food today: $46.61
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