But first, I started with some breakfast.
Toast with peanut butter, milk

Since I forgot to count it yesterday, I'll add that the ingredients for the cake cost about $17 at IGA.
Then, I started the carving of the cake, adding the wings with icing. I should have taken a look at pictures, because I cut it wrong and the whole north wing was missing.

I added icing for the brick and tar on the roof, trying to match colors with food dye. Ha! Oh, and the yellow thing on top is supposed to be the roof terrasse. You can start laughing now.

Then, I had a construction snafu.

Mixing more dye in to get a gray color, I started to add "windows" and "doors" (note the brackets around those words).

And this, ladies and gentlemen, was the final product.

And this is what my building really looks like.

Off to our building's Christmas dinner I went, meeting about 15 neighbors/friends at Les Cabotins on Ste-Catherine. The evening was full of merrymaking and tasty food, with promises of dessert back at my house. I had the table d'hôte.
Pint of cider

Pinot noir

Spinach soup with bread and butter

Boudin noir with apple compote and onion marmelade.

The cooks at Les Cabotins make the preserves on the spot, they have a full wall filled with colorful Mason jars in the back of the restaurant.
Boeuf bourguignon and veggies

The vegetables are served family-style in shared dishes. It makes it more festive and casual.
Dinner came to $74.85, including drinks and tip.
Then we came back to my place for more drinks and a piece of the building for dessert. My friends generously congratulated me for my efforts, but were more impressed by the taste of the cake than by its appearence. Hee hee!

André quickly found his window.

But I think Anne-Marie is still looking for her loft. (Hint: it's in my garbage pail.)

Marc-Henri gave me a bottle of Bailey's and André gave me a bottle of port. Thanks guys!

Money spent on food today: $91.85
J'ai fait un "rechercher" avec le mot 'fondant' et ça donne zéro. If you know what I mean.