Saturday, March 13, 2010

food log: Friday, March 12

Toast and juice
Toast and juice

Mochi ball
These are so delicious. The intern actually moaned when he tasted one. I am really sorry I didn't capture this with my camera.

Burrito with the works, salad, pineapple from the bistro - $6
Burrito, salad, pineapple from the bistro - $6
I highly dislike store-bought tortillas. They taste like plastic to me. So I rolled my burritos garnish in lettuce leaves. It was crunchy and fresh.
Lettuce burrito (I hate store-bought tortillas)

Véro went the old-school way and had a burrito adventure.
Adventures in burrito eating
Adventures in burrito eating
Adventures in burrito eating

When I got home, I was beat so I just had a peanut butter sandwich, a glass of wine and a mini bottle of pink champagne.
PB sandwich, glass of wine
mini champagne
It was friday night, after all.

Money spent on food: $6

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