Toast, jam, cheeses, OJ at Dad's Ham sammich, Diet Pepsi at Dad's
We had dinner at Café St-Malo Beer Bread Potage Crécy Blood sausage with apple, fries and salad Wine Sugar pie
OJ More OJ, buttered toasts, jam, cheese More cheese
Diet Pepsi
Then I went to spend the afternoon with granny Sweets at granny's And chips (no pic)
Dad and his wife joined us and brought dinner with them. Wine Triscuits with salmon mousse Bread Salmon, asparagus with hollandaise, pasta with veggies Cake Late night snack at dad's: honey tartine and milk Money spent on food today: 0
Toasts with PB and milk Chicken sandwich and Diet Pepsi from gas station on the way to Québec City - $6 Beer at Dad's Peanuts at Dad's
We went out to Casa Grecque for dinner. Yes, freaking Casa Grecque. I'm in Loretteville and the pickings, they are slim my friend. But the lobster was ok. Salad Bread Rosé Lobster Cake at Dad's Soda Money spent on food: $6
Peanut butter toast Scrambled eggs with dill, Diet Coke
After a visit at the museum, Mom took me to Café Holt for a tartine. Lemon water Tandoori tartine Fennel and lentil on salad greens
For dinner, the whole family went to Salle à manger. My dinner was $88 with tip and a cocktail. (Stepdad Richard treated us to a nice bottle of wine with dinner.) Campari and soda Bread Seared foie gras with potato sauce, peas, greens and quail egg Renommée St-Pierre Pinot Noir (2001) Pork belly with greens, onion rings and potato sald with avocado purée Rhubarb and pineapple vacherin Riesling Money spent on food today: $88
Bagel with cream cheese, strawberry Tofu, daikon salad, broccoli, rice Cherries Mom gave me caramels and I snarfed the whole box
She also brought Alsace wine. I guess she reads my blog. :)
Bro brought a bottle of extremely sweet rosé.
For dinner, I made a rice salad with leftover sushi rice, basil and veggies, dressed with sesame oil and rice vinegar.
I also made sweet potato and shrimp tempura. My plate Blueberry pudding
From August 24th, 2009 to August 24th 2010, I photographed everything I ate and made notes of the cost.
This included all the food and drink costs for the year.
And yes, I counted booze.
Grand total: $10 295.92
What is this blog about?
This is not a food blog.
Well, it kind of is. But mainly, it’s about the amount of money I use to feed myself, day after day. Why? Because I just don’t know. I (almost) never check prices when I buy food. I love to cook and I can easily feed six guests for less than 30 bucks (wine is extra, people), but I also spend ungodly amounts of money on grocery, then throw away a fifth of it. It has never been so easy to buy good food, but it often comes at a price. And it is even easier to buy cheap, unhealthy junk food that has an undeniable cost on our health. Where does my food budget go? How do the choices I make impact my budget, my health and the health of the planet?